Preliminary To Master’S Form Fill-Up Notice 2024

Preliminary To Master’s Form Fill-Up Notice 2024

The National University has updated the notice for the Preliminary to Master’s exam for the 2020-21 session. As per the revised schedule set by the authorities, the form fill-up period has been extended. The new dates for filling up the forms are from September 25, 2024, to September 302024, for MA, MSS, MBA, and MSc programs. Details about the exam dates and other information will be provided on the university's website later. The exam will be based on the 2017-2018 syllabus of the National University.

This update reflects the latest decision by the authorities.

If you're a student planning to apply for Master's programs, we're here to help you fill out the Preliminary to Master's form smoothly. We provide clear instructions on what you need, when to submit, and how to complete the process, ensuring it's easy and efficient for you.

Form Fill-up key dates

The National University (NU) has started the process for students to fill-up forms for the Preliminary to Master's Exam in 2024. There are some important dates and rules that students must follow to complete their form fill-up process. The details are given below in a simple way.

Key Dates

  • Deadline to Download Form: From September 25 to September 30, 2024
  • Last Date for Form Confirmation by college: September 30, 2024
  • Pay Slip Collection: October 01-02, 2024

Students need to follow the given dates for form fill-up, get college confirmation, and collect pay slips. Check nu website for more exam information later.

Eligibility for the Preliminary to Master’s Exam

Here's what you need to know about who can participate in the exam. In the form fill-up notice National University clearly mention about it. So, let's discuss in detail.

Regular and private students from the 2020-21 academic session can appear as regular candidates.

If you were a student in the 2019-20 session but did not give the exam in 2020, you can appear as an irregular candidate in 2021 for all courses.

If you were a 2019-20 session student, appeared in the 2020 exam but failed in one or more subjects, you can appear as an irregular candidate in 2021.

If you got 'C' or 'D' grades in all subjects in the 2020 exam, you can try to improve your grade in up to 2 papers in the 2021 exam.

If your CGPA was below 2.50 in all subjects in the 2020 exam and you got 'C' or 'D' grades in all papers, you can choose up to 2 subjects to improve your CGPA.

Check if you are eligible based on the criteria mentioned here. If you have any doubts, you can contact the National University authority by mailing them for clarification.

Fees for Preliminary to Masters form Fill-up

The National University has prescribed various fees for students applying to fill up the form for the Preliminary to Masters Examination. These fees cover different aspects of the examination process, including theoretical papers, practical exams, fieldwork fees for specific subjects etc. Here are the prescribed fees:

SL Description Fees

1 Theoretical Fee (Per Paper) 250/-
2 Practical Examination (Per Paper) 250/-
3 Viva (Per Candidate) 250/-
4 Academic Transcript Fee 500/-
5 Center Fee 450/-
6 Center Fee - Practical 200/-
7 Incourse Examination Fee 300/-
8 Fieldwork Fee for Social Work and Geography and Environmental Science subjects 1100/-

Students must check the fees in the table carefully. They need to pay the total fees when filling up the Nu Preliminary to Masters form.

NU Preliminary to Masters Examination Fee

The National University has set the examination fees for the

Preliminary to Master’s examination for the 2020-21 academic session. You must pay the correct fee based on your program. Let us explain in detail.

SL Description Fees

  1. M.A./M.S.S./M.B.A. candidates who 2850/- applicable for appearing in all subject private also
  2. M.Sc. candidates who appearing in all 2850/subject
  3. Library Science candidates who 3100/appearing in all subject
  4. For grade improvement, CGPA improvement, or if you've failed, there's a 300/- inclusion fee. You'll also need to pay other applicable fees for each subject you're taking.
  5. Applicable for academic session 2020-21

Important Notes:

  • No late form filling will be allowed after the deadline. Pay fees on time.
  • Only original manual copy marks will be accepted, not other copies.
  • Instructions for Viva/Practical/Fieldwork marks will be given later.
  • If you use a different letter code, your exam result won't be published. And you can't change the letter code on your registration or admit card, even after the exam.

Preliminary to Master’s Form Fill-up Notice Download

You can access the Preliminary to Masters form ll-up notice for download from here. We have included both image and PDF versions of the notice for your convenience, ensuring that you can gather information e ectively and comprehensively.

Preli Form Fillup Notice

Form Fill-up Process

Here are the rules you need to follow when filling out your application form.

  • Visit
  • Log in with your registration number
  • Then, fill out the form with your exam subjects and mobile number
  • If there are multiple optional courses for a subject, make sure to select the correct one. Once chosen, you can't change it.
  • Attach two recent passport size photos (attested) to your application form. Be careful when entering the letter code and selecting courses. Once submitted, you can't change them.
  • Confirm your form submission, download the application form, and submit it with the examination fee to your college on time.
  • Once everything is done, your payment status will show as "Paid".

How to Pay Fees

Paying fees in a proper way for NU Preliminary to Masters form fill-up is an important step to confirm your registration. Here's a guide for you on how to do it perfectly.

  • Regular students from the 2020-21 session and all Private Preliminary to Masters exam candidates in 2021 must paid their fees after downloading the fees document from the university website
  • Log in to the website, download your Pay Slip, and pay the fees through 'Sonali Sheba' at any nearby branch of Sonali Bank.
  • The link for getting the Pay Slip will be active till the given date. After that, you can't download the pay slip.

To sum up, the National University is now accepting forms for the Preliminary to Master's Exam for the 2020-21 session. Make sure to check the dates and eligibility criteria. Pay your fees on time and follow the instructions for filling out the form. Keep an eye out for the exam routine, which will be posted on the university's website soon.

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1 Comment

Md.Akhtaruzzaman Raton

July 15, 2024

Ami 2020-2021 Sikha bursar(preliminary-to-masters) student ami form fill up (2024) korta pari nai akhon ki kono vaba form fill up kora jaba please inform me.(mob-01978933435)

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